Hi Friends!
There is a lot going on in this world right now and many of us are home for 2 weeks, practicing social distancing. With COVID-19, a lot is still unknown and that can cause stress on many of us. I am hoping with a declutter challenge while you’re home, you can alleviate some of your stress.

I know that clutter and disorganization causes me stress and becomes very overwhelming. I also feel that I always put it off (I am a really good procrastinator)! But, I have 2 weeks off, I am stressed, and I have WAY too much stuff in my condo. So, I totally need to do a purge and chill out. There is NO better time to declutter!
So here’s the challenge:

Let’s clean out those closets, drawers, cabinets, makeup drawers, shoes, the tupperware container drawers, etc. Each day fill one bag or box to either toss in the trash, recycle, or donate.
Are YOU ready? GREAT! Print out the sheet below and start tracking, start decluttering, and start relieving your stress!

Tag me on instagram @bunsolicitedadvice – #BSAdeclutterchallenge